News,case studies and product information relating to material handling,supply chain and distribution.

All the latest news and views from the world of material handling, logistics, freight forwarding and distribution. This section of the site carries articles relating to new contract wins, product launches, opinion from the trade associations, government departments, research analysts, the vendor community as well as case studies of material handling integration projects across Europe.

All key equipment sectors are covered, ranging from AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) ForkLift Trucks, Automated Storage Equipment, Conveyors and Sortation, Dock EquipmentOverhead Handling Equipment, Packaging and Labelling Solutions, Pallets & Containers,Transport and Distribution, Racking & Shelving as well as Trade Shows and Industry Events


How telematics keep automotive logistics running ‘just-in-time’

1 How telematics keep automotive logistics running ‘just-in-time’

Logistics is the heart of our production system, a BMW board member stated recently. Under pressure to reduce cost, respond faster to bespoke customer requirements and deliver more complex products, the automotive industry has led the way in developing complex logistics that support lean manufacturing processes with a ‘just-in-time, just-in-sequence’ delivery of materials.

FREE White paper download "Materials Handling Solutions that Shift the Gear in the Automotive Industry: Just-In-Time"

The Supply Chain of the Future

2 The Supply Chain of the Future

Supply chains are modernising at a rapid rate as organisations look to capture the opportunity and potential offered by new technology and digitalisation.

Editorial: +44 (0)1892 536363
Publisher: +44 (0)208 440 0372
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