Magic Quadrant for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms


Providing visibility is a core part of supply chain technology, and it plays a complementary function that supports different supply chain functions such as transportation management, warehouse management, yard management and fleet management.

It allows logistics leaders insights into what is happening in the organization as well as outside their organization to control end-to-end processes.

Commercial customers and consumers continue to have increased demands around real-time visibility to their orders and shipments. This remains valid for any organization, regardless of size, geography or industry. It is applicable across all regions, with North America and Europe leading the adoption. These solutions started out as predominantly focused on domestic road requirements.
An increasing number of end-user companies are investigating or implementing visibility solutions, led by real-time visibility solutions.
The first-ever Gartner Magic Quadrant for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms (RTTVP) is here, emphasising that visibility is a necessity for modern supply chains.

This report is the ultimate guide to understanding the transportation visibility market and evaluating all major vendors, with a deep dive on the top 14 providers as evaluated by Gartner analysts.


This report is the ultimate guide to understanding the transportation visibility market and evaluating all major vendors, with a deep dive on the top 14 providers as evaluated by Gartner analysts.

Why download the report?

  • If there’s a Magic Quadrant for it, it’s important— don’t be the last to know about the fast-growing RTTVP market!
  • Gartner outlines the key capabilities that you should look for in a visibility platform

You’ll discover which vendors are leaders, which are laggards, and what strengths and cautions got them those positions.

Download the report HERE

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